I’ve Figured it Out…the Reason for My Success in Electronics!

Everybody says that hard work is the answer to gain success. But there are lots of people who have worked hard all their lives and still not gotten that job they really wanted, or were fired from one that they loved.

Well, I’m seventy-five and retired. I got every job I ever applied for, turned down numerous employment opportunities, and was never fired from a job.  Looking back; I attribute all that not to just hard work but primarily to being “prepared”.

In my case that preparedness just came along naturally. However, you can build that preparedness into your future plans so you too can gain success.

High School

Here’s how it worked for me and could work for you. As a freshman in high school I had an obsession with music and ham radio. Those interests along with extreme curiosity made its way to a decision to gain an understanding of electronics.

I checked out every book in the library on the subject. By the time I was a junior I was prepared to take vocational electronics which was a piece of cake.

The Military

Upon graduation I wanted to join the Air Force and because of my electronics preparation, I received a 95% on the electronics portion of the military’s aptitude test. That led to my being trained in an electronics related specialty.

Teaching in College

Later, when I went to college and majored in Industrial electronics, my previous experience was preparatory.  So I sailed through all of the electronics related courses.  

Even before getting my degree, thanks to my electronics preparation, I was given the opportunity to teach electronics at the university.

I could go on with the numerous advantages that I received due to my electronics preparation, but to cut this short, here is how you can profit from my experience.

Just follow this Link to prepare yourself, and just like me, you can have a great future in the world of electronics.